
Credit Information

The terms commercial credit also called commercial lending is used similarly in commercial trade, known as “trade credit”, to refer to the approval for delayed payments for purchased goods to a company, or a ban loan to a company. In the way of paying, Commercial Credit includes two kinds: Remittance and Collection commercial credit is corresponding social trust and evaluation to the economic ability of business entity. Quality as well as commercial credit is the life of enterprises. Enterprise commercial credit is an important factor to weigh the forex market economy development level of a country.
Bank credit is the credit that authorized to an enterprise or a personal consumer by commercial bank or any other financial institution .In credit sales, the financial organ like bank supplies the buyer financing support, and helps a sales promotion for the bargainer.
State credit can be a mode of financing when the state is in need of making up for a payment imbalance or capital scarcity. Besides, it can also be the measure for fiscal policy and macro-control implementing.

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